Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Westerners 'are more promiscuous'

If you have time, read this article. This just reiterates to me that Muslims are following their non Muslim counter parts as the prophet Muhammad (saaws) had forewarned. In the west, it's very common for a Muslim woman/man (especially minorities) to marry early, divorce, and then marry and divorce again and again. Islamically, there is no sin involved as long as the marriage was legally contracted before the intimacy took place and Muslims are quick to point this out defensively. True, let's move past the surface. Our communities are sufferring. The psychological strain of this type of abnormal pattern (whether its being committed by a Muslim woman or man) and it's foundations are clear cut, it's a sickness. Healthy and strong families cannot maintain themselves when its leaders are involved in promiscuous behaviors-halal or not.

"People in western countries tend to have more sexual partners than those in the developing world, a study says."

Who would of thunk it?!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Guess that's why Easterner's are requesting Virginity Certificates and the women are getting their hymens repaired?!

SMH - stereotypes are so overrated