Monday, February 25, 2008

Muslim men in America: There's plenty to spare

Well, well, well, finally some concrete good news. Looks like there isn't a shortage of Muslim men in America afterall, infact, it's just the opposite. There's a shortage of Muslim women! Says who? Says the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life who have released a new survey on the religious landscape of the United States. I suggest all Muslims in America take a good look at the data and see how it pertains to you and/or your family, especially sisters. Note of positive advice:Sisters before you consider settling in marriage as third or forth wife with a brother whose current families are receiving public aid or marrying the brother who is fresh out of a correctional facility with no marketable skills or a brother who is known to be an abuser (drugs, achohol or violence) - take a look at this survey. Look to where the eligible Muslim brothers are residing and plot and plan for a hbetter, happier life.