Saturday, August 11, 2007

Cops: Jealousy drove Bigamist wife to kill

Was this for the love of money or more along the lines of a thin line between love and hate?

I don't know. May Allah have mercy and grant ease to this sister and may Allah have mercy and expiate the sins of our deceased brother. May Allah also grant ease to salafy communities in Philadelphia and allow them to rectify their ways because once this case reaches it trial date it going to become cooler water talk in many homes. Philadelphia's salafy communities are going to be under the spotlight and the things that most of us Muslims already know - their notorious poor treatment of sisters despite the endless durus from the mimbar and numerous telelinks with the mashayik in mumlaka, their hidden polygynous society that is open to any brother to join whether he is fresh out of jail on drug charges or a convicted pedophile, the secret sisterhood of Muslim women who support those pratices of the brothers and who vehemently boycott salafiyat who can't or don't want to "get with the program". The "on it & off it lists", the welfare fraud that many sisters knowingly commit so that they can enter the polygynous society, the physical abuse of many sisters there, the child neglect on the part of the sex addicted brothers who spread their seeds like water throughout the city but don't have even 1/4 of the money to support them which makes them abandon them - I could go on but you get the picture. This sister is in for the fight of her life and we can assume her lawyers are going to grab the temporary insanity defense on this and use ever ounce of blood they can find to prove it - Allaahulmusta'aan.

I received one comment on the other blog that was very hostile to the brother's second wife in Morroca. My first thought was to delete because it has nasty name calling in it and we know such name calling against other Muslims is not becoming of any Muslims, male or female. I hope the one who posted has since made tawba, and if not please do. You may be upset and that is understandable, but trade your hasanat on yaumil qiyama because of anger. Make the tawba. But I left it there because since maybe early 2000 I have heard many African American sisters talk secretly about their dislike of Morrocan women. Many AA salfy men especially the older brothers have gone to poor Morrocan cities and bought wives for very cheap mahr by US and Gulf standards and brought them back to the states. Sisters are angry with this because the "you can't afford it" agrument that have stood on for decades falls by the wayside when brothers throw out the "Morrocan trump cards" and their natural responses, "She doesn't need much."

Is it the Morrocan sisters fault that many American marriages have fallen apart once they enter the family? Are these sisters really looking to break up families? And what I really want to discuss with any Morrocan sisters if your have married in such a way is why on earth are your families sending their virgin daughters to the west with men they don't know anything about (him, his livlihood, family, etc) or how she is going to be treated?


Anonymous said...

I don't know if Moroccan women read the English internet. But I am fascinated to know why their families are sending them here with these brothers. Some of these brothers are awful. Thats why they go to Morocco because and American women wont marry them. I love my daughter so much, I just can't imagine dumping her off for a green card. I mean Moroccans are not that poor are they? They are not starving, so I don't get it.

Anonymous said...

The issue western people don't get is the reasons for marriage are different depending upon where you are from. Eastern women, to a great extent, marry for money and status. Western women marry for compatibility and love. So it is nothing for an eastern woman to agree as well as her family, to marry a man that they all deem to help them to be upwardly mobile. It is not for love or a thought of having anything in common really. It is for the money, status or whatever else.

Western women look for compatibility because we can make our own money and have access to education more than some eastern women do. We aren't just looking for a meal ticket or a green card.

What many of these brothers don't know is that some of the eastern women are good at pretending. Pretending they love them just to keep the money flowing to her family and get what she wants. Pretending she is following his same methodology while all along believing the opposite and teaching the kids what they believe. And not really respecting the husband through talking badly behind his back or even in this face because most times there is a language barrier. Also some of these women mistreat their kids; especially when they don't look a certain way. So it is all different than what we may be used to. We wont' give up all that to get ahead but some women in difficult circumstances would. I am not saying this is a general thing for all the eastern women but this is mostly true for the poor ones. As you see, most Gulf sisters won't marry "Black Men". It would do too much to hurt the status of their family which usually is already high.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry sis but can you point me to the article where you found that this couple was apart of a salafi community. The $1 million dollar home seems to complicate the issues of welfare fraud and ex-con mentality. I would really appreciate it if you could clarify for me.

Anonymous said...

Nevermind sis, I read the article now. What a mess! She should have just left him.

Miss Muslimah said...

Assalmu Alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu

Usually I enjoy and agree with you on your posts,but this one not so much.What I didnt like was how you clumped all the salafi men together to stereotype them and put them in a bad way.You cant really believe that ALL salafi men are the way you described,can you?
There are alot of non muslims out there that believe that all muslims are terrorists and they are weary of us,are we all terrorists?of course not.Are there terrorists among us?yes!
basically what im trying to "say" is clear,NO MORE STEREOTYPES!

Anonymous said...

for the person who suggested that this person was an ex-con or welfare fraud.

Before his death the brother the brother indeed brought a building for a salafi community in philadelphia. (may Allaah make his grave spacious and build a house for him in jenna and may he get the reward for every wudo or prayer that is performed there aamen)

Another thing the money that brother had/has was not from welfare fraud nor because of he was an ex-con..The hospital made an error in diagnosing his daughter there fore she died..this is where the money come from.

sister I post on here from time..The news media has done more demage than the situation itself let's not fall into the same category.

His family his surviving daughter, grand child, her husband really please, make du'aa for them not only has she lost her father, but her mother as well.

If there is anything that I've said in my speech that has harmed anyone for give me.

jazak Allaahu Khayran was salaamu 'alaykum wa rahmatuallahi

Umm Amatullaah

Musleema said...

Zainab on your blog you mentioned that you have been Muslim four years, Alhamdulilah. Inshallah, maybe it is that in all of the 4 years that you've been Muslim you have not seen "salafy" men to act the way that I have stated.I did write stereotypes, but what are stereotypes? Stereotypes or characterizations of people develop over time when a group of people perform the same actions continuosly. Therefore the brothers became know for doing either good actions or in this case very bad actions and others connected the behaviours to them. The blame shouldnt be on the people for making the connection, but on those brothers who have harmed the Muslims and brought dishonor to their communities. And that is not to say that I believe all of the brothers who ascribe to salafia behave that way. I know they dont. Yet and still I think it is very fair and honest to admit that a large amount of the "salafy" in philadelphia (and NY, NJ, MD and GA etc) behave in the way I mentioned or worst.

Umm Amatullah, I didn't say that the brother earned his money through welfare fraud. I posted the link to the article that published where their earnings came from.

The mention of welfare fraud was about the salafy community in Philadelphia.

Also, the millions obviously didn't come from work the brother earned individually. It was communal money between his wife and he. So the money that was donated for the masjid was donated not by the brother alone, but from the brother and his wife. May Allah accept it from them both and have mercy on them both.

Miss Muslimah said...

Oh musleema...(sigh) MUSLIM men act like this,yes,why do you only ascribe these behaviors to ONLY salafi men.? YES the blame should be on "the people" for making these connections because thats just plain ol'ignorance.I pretty much dont agree with you at all.But you know what,I will not go back and forth with you,like I said I dont agree.They're just stereotypes.All the salafi muslims that I know strive their upmost to obey Allah and his messenger and they dont indulge in lies and deceit and all of that....yes there are probably salafi's that do these kinds of things but so do "other" muslims,why not just talk of those MUSLIMS that do those kinds of things? Masha'Allah.... it is what it is.......

Anonymous said...

as salaamu 'alaykum wa rahmatuallahi

Sister Musleema I know what you wrote and my comment was not meant for you it was for anonymous @ 5:47

Umm Amatullah

Musleema said...

Zainab I think you are missing the point. Muslims and non Muslims, men and women, of every ethnicity can and do have unsavory characteristics. There is enough information out there to write a thesis on every group. But how would that benefit us, as Muslims? Specifically those of us who are striving to adhere to ad dawatus salafia? This case is about specific people, salafy Muslims. And as I said, the lawyers are going to have to go into every aspect of the sister's life, community and dealings inorder to figure out how this murder came about. In doing so they are not going to research Shi'ee Muslims or even those sunni Muslims in Philadelphia who are apart of lets say the Warithul deen community. They are going to want to know about salafy Muslims because that is what the sister and brother lived as.

Therefore, I did mention the stereotypes of the salafy Muslim men in Philadelphia. It is and will be relevant to this case.

Anonymous said...

This is really sad and everyone looses! Believing men fo rbeleiing women and so forth is what Quran al Kareem teaches. So it does not matter if the person is form Moroco, Mexico, Michigan or whatever so we need to move on from that Jahilila. Sometimes men have to move outside of their familar culture area to be able to get along with life and have peace. I have seen brothers and sisters marry countless times but finally when there is a bicultural marraige they feel that something clicks for them.... Allah the creator of man knows best why.
As far as this woman killing her spouse that is bad! Why didn't she get counsel and realise that she too could use some of that money to buy a lawful hubby who would make her happy like her husband bought the 2nd wife. People make life harder than it should be no one should be so addicted to a person that Shaytan is able to use that sick love to rob us of this life or the next.
May Allah have mercy on all of us,ameen!

Anonymous said...

Musleema habibty, I don't see how this tragedy has anything to do with the problems between brothers and sisters in Philly. AS FAR AS WE KNOW, this brother hadn't done anything haraam. While I understand your points, I just think their out of place here. The brother was more than financially able to take and support another wife...unlike the brothers you speak of in Philly. We have no daleel that he mistreated his wife (taking another wife IS NOT mistreatment)...unlike the brothers you speak of in Philly.

I could go on and on, but my point is that this situation does not fit the description of a "typical" situation you describe amongst the salafy community in Philly. So I don't see the point in your making a relationship or correlation between the two.

Musleema said...

Ummu rahma I think if you read the the articles on the net about the couple in question and the case you will find the correlation yourself. The brother and sister, may Allah have mercy on them both, spent the majority of their lives in the working class. It wasn't until two or so years ago that they became wealthy. Also they were long time members of the salafy community in Philadelphia which has been plagued with an assortment of ills for many years. Now, I didn't claim that there was any type of abuse involved in the case. Although because abuse is widely spread within the salafy Muslim community in Philadelphia that they were apart of and as is polygyny than the two will be correlated by not only the general public but the law officials as well. The lawyers, if they are good lawyers, will have no choice but to research all of the facets of their life; the community that they were in, it's people, beliefs and standards. All of that plays a part in murder case such as this one.

Anonymous said...

What do you want to bet we are going to see a "law and order" on this in a few months?

carla said...

assalamo alikoum sisters .i want to ask you just one question why these brothers go to morocco and marry wives from there ? all americains women especially africain americain women they should ask this questions i know that they will find the agood answer from their behavior with their husband .the reason that they go to morocco it is not poor women ar those women want money for their family no!!! your us men they are looking for really women not exist in us .

carla said...

myra she is criminal woman she killed her husband she lie to police accused to second wife by terrorist she is know looking for pities in the court . (who killed person whitout any right it is like he killed all people ) this is what our clear quran said we should respect it . she need kassas (penality death) also what our quran karim said that all moslems men have right to marry 4 wives . her husband have many reasons to marry another wife .she is sick , she cant give more childrens , and only the first reason give him right to marry another wife . now why those salafi moslems men thyer marry morrocan ? if they are happy with americain they will never think about moroccan . please ask yourself be clear with yourself why they left americain women ? that come from their behavior the majority they are divorced . in morocco all people they are equall . no problem there for color it is not problem to be black white yellow ... like united states .

olivier said...

There are readers who seized the advisability to express their opinions here and have to clarify their hatred and their racism which they test against the Moroccan women in particular and Moslem women in general. Entant that Moslem and proud man to be it I defy you by what I to you will say and I will answer all your questions if you want:

The majority of the readers were baited against a Moslem woman because it married in accordance with Islam with an American man, yes they have the right to raise the question but why insult it and attack it.

But these people preferred that the late food with this woman in the cohabitation or illegal framework like many romantic films.

This woman according to my knowledge married with the late one after the approval of his first wife who travelled with him to Morocco and achieved all the required legal procedures, and was very content and that occurred in Mars 2007. It is a woman who is reached of a disease and which cannot have children. What was to make the late one in this case live in adultery, betray his wife, remain without children… if it did not marry with this Moroccan woman she would have married another Chinese, European, or American woman, or ..... Donc the woman did not commit a crime and the problem does not have anything to have with Morocco.

There are readers who put the question why the men go in other countries to marry, the answer to this question is very simple except if one weak and one include/understand nothing because they did not find women in their countries of origin which are compatible with their personalities.

Parce the Arab and Moslem women are known by their endurance their patience, the great load of regard and the respect of them same and their husbands, because they support the man help it financially and morally. Because, it has its virginity which constitutes a very invaluable gift that it offers to her husband during the wedding night like witness of its purity… etc

In addition Pourquoi the men escape from their countries and will seek elsewhere, because they detest the women of their countries “Klinex” which serve everyone and also out of the women who awake with 3h30 mn and kill them it is that civilization? they is the values of democracy and of equity and justice which you do not cease singing us, to try to diagnose your life it is full with evils which affect to you

Who can believe that a man decides to cross thousands of kilometers to meet a woman if he does not like it? A woman who could attract a man by Internet transmits a very explicit message: either it is very beautiful or very good, that this man could not control himself in front of it and the man in this case is not wrong.

I will say to you finally that in the environment where certain our dear readers live who have to contribute in this forum, he a great fracture in their reasoning because they are not only the men who come on our premises but also your wives who fill our streets our beaches and your companies which do not cease being established in our countries and your soldiers who came “to release us”…

Can be all that lies within the scope of universalization, the system which you invented and you must assume the responsibility for your inventions thank you.

A last word before finishing the word “salafi” does not have any relationship with the violation of the law it is synonymous with any person who respects the practices and manners of her ancestors.
(like all the common runs of people on the terrestrial sphere step of other universes).

thank you very match

Anonymous said...

Carla do not fool yourself. Colorism exist in every society not just american. Go back and learn the history books.

Anonymous said...

moroccan women are cheap and can do with less. while their american conterparts want better. plain and simple.

Relief said...

Salamu alaykum,

I just read about this incident this week after seeing the post on your blog. Whatever happened to the sister? Is she in jail awaiting trial or what? It's a very sad case any way you look at it. In hindsight if indeed this story is correct divorce would have been a better option for all parties. You just never know how much hurt someone is going through until something like this happens.

Anonymous said...

As Salaamu Alayki Sis!! I think what we have here is difference of opinions and no one is really looking at the whole of the situation. Regardless a Muslim man lost his life, and Muslim woman is going to loose her freedom and her children and grandchildren will suffer the lost of both parents. We need to be making dua for them as Muslims and for our community of Salafi Muslims and we need to be careful what comes off our tongues about the salafies yes we error but the doors of forgiveness remain open alhumdudillah. Weather we are Salafi Muslim or not Islaam is always gonna be the negative for the Kaafir, because Allaah says it in the Qur'an the Kaafir is not happy with you until you act like them. I have a morroccan friend and she comes from a wealthy family she married an African American man and I didn't find her to have bad character but also did we not forget about the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayi wasallam) farewell speech where he spoke on racism let us not speak ill or prejudge Muslims of other descent.As this is not from the Islaamic Personality. Let us remember to make excuses for one another. Also keep in mind that killing another Muslim regardless the reason is hypocrisy. Take care sisters if I offended anyone may Allaah forgive me and may the sister(s) I offended forgive me as well.

Safa said...

My husbands other wife is Moroccan.....funny.

Anonymous said...

well from what I remember reading about this case in her diary she said he wasn't paying her any attention anymore.That is abuse because a man with two wives have to be just.Of course a brother who is 50 and his wife is 50 as well and marries a 20 yr old isn't going to be just unless he fears his Lord by not following his desires.This story is so sad.Look how him getting married and not doing it properly ruined everyone's life involved,except for the second of course she can just move on and start over.

Anonymous said...

Do you wanna know the real reason why brothers go over to morocco????????????????????????????

Anonymous said...

black muslim men are going all over the arab world getting them not just morocco. Gulf women too!!!!!