Monday, February 25, 2008

Muslim men in America: There's plenty to spare

Well, well, well, finally some concrete good news. Looks like there isn't a shortage of Muslim men in America afterall, infact, it's just the opposite. There's a shortage of Muslim women! Says who? Says the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life who have released a new survey on the religious landscape of the United States. I suggest all Muslims in America take a good look at the data and see how it pertains to you and/or your family, especially sisters. Note of positive advice:Sisters before you consider settling in marriage as third or forth wife with a brother whose current families are receiving public aid or marrying the brother who is fresh out of a correctional facility with no marketable skills or a brother who is known to be an abuser (drugs, achohol or violence) - take a look at this survey. Look to where the eligible Muslim brothers are residing and plot and plan for a hbetter, happier life.


Anonymous said...


Really gosh I need to spread this info around.....learn something new everyday...

Miss Muslimah said...

Assalamu alaikum

I dont believe this surveys to be too accurate..who knows,maybe its true ,maybe its not....

UmmAbdurRahman said...

I definitely believe this survey. In the US, there are so many more men that emigrate here from other countries. More men come for school or work or flee some sort of persecution that men outnumbering women seems to be true for me. If you look at statistics among all countries, even age group specific, you will see that men and women are just about neck and neck.

Safiyyah said...

Salaams Sis:

Alhamdulillah! That's good news. We do have choices.

Anonymous said...

As salaamu alaikum

Based on the methodology used for the Pew Forum's survey, I wouldn't put much stock in it's accuracy in terms of population numbers nor the economic status of people. With the problems facing Muslims post 9/11 in immigrating here and the volume of deportations the numbers are decreasing. Couple that with the growing disunity and superficial preferences that are more commonplace now than before (especially among the men), and ruling out the unemployed or underemployed and those with prision records who certainly are unemployed the candidate pool is even smaller.

As salaamu alaikum

Anonymous said...

Well, personally I really want to believe these numbers are true...........

Dunia's Stranger said...

Being a Muslim man, I've always felt that there was over-abundance of Muslim men but the real question is whether there are more pious Muslim men?

Anonymous said...

Reality vs. Perception
Did the men included in the poll have at least a high school education, a job and no priors? Where the men polled actually considered marriagable by the average Muslim woman's parents?
If you are a Musim woman who has never married, have no children, are young, slim and you look like you are Arab, White, or Hispanic then you will have some likelihood of finding one of those men in that poll who are available for marriage. From my own unscientific observation, many many American Muslim men want a woman that fits the above characteristics, especially if she is from overseas. [There is that control factor that we simply can not ignore.] As a woman of African descent who is often mistaken for someone of Arab, biracial or Hispanic ancestry, I speak from personal experience. At this point in my life, I am convinced that the talk men make about marrying a devout woman is just that - talk. The reality is that very few moral, fair-minded, kind, intelligent and hard-working Muslim men out there and many of the Muslim men looking for a wife actually want an attractive maid that they can have sex with, not a partner that they can have a loving equal relationship with. I have two daughters and several single friends and they are all beginning to reconsider my long-time suggestion to go overseas and get a spouse (like many brothers do). Your education and citizenship is a very strong barganing tool. The limited opportunities in Africa,the Middle East and Asia make the average school teacher or secretary from the Bronx a highly desirable candidate for marriage. Whatever choice you make, don't settle and don't buy into the fitnah that you have to minimalize yourself, your needs or your desires.

Anonymous said...

Salam Aleikoum;
Well, this is interesting and may be true. I don't want to extinguish the sisters' excitement over this, but what the survey failed to mention is that the majority of these men are immigrants who either are not interested in marying an american or only are interested for the purpose of papers, which makes the number of mariable brothers way less than the sisters, may Allah help you sisters.

lala said...

lol, so many sister's must be happy over this news.